Sunday, August 22, 2010

Creating the Library Manual

We did it! The folio section is completely revamped. The records contain current and correct data, the call numbers all match the shelf list, and the spine labels are correctly printed. I wish I had a picture to show because all that organization really is a beautiful sight!

Now I will shift my attention to the training manual. I rewrote the first four pages to correct policy errors and additions. Additionally I added an overview checklist that lists the steps an item should go through before it can be placed in circulation. Here is a sample:

New Item Checklist

1. Add a security sticker to the inside back cover of the book.

2. Locate the two stamps and ink pad in the librarian drawer. Use the skinny stamp to mark “Property of University of Washington Rome Center” on three sides of the book. Use the round stamp on the title page of the book. Make sure you stamp the true title page, not just one of the end pages.

3. If the book is a trade paperback, it needs to be covered with plastic sticky paper for durability. Locate the roll of contact paper in the bottom filing cabinet drawer. Unroll the amount of covering needed and remove paper backing. Keep the book closed as you lay it on the sticky paper, or you won’t be able to open once you’ve applied sticky paper. Fold the sticky paper over the cover and back of book like you are wrapping a present. Trim excess covering (especially above and below the spine) with the scissors. Try to smooth out any bubbles and make it as perfect as possible. Part of doing a good job is just having confidence. If you make a mistake, the sticky paper can sometimes be peeled off and smoothed without damaging the book.

4. Now it’s time to give the book a call number. The easiest way to do this is to “copy cat” catalog the item. The explicit directions for how to do this are in the How to Search for Existing Records section below. Once you’ve found the applicable record in the Library of Congress (LOC) or UW Library Catalog, copy the item’s information into the database and shelf list.

5. You are now ready to print a sticker for the spine of the book. There is a template already created for this. Since our library computer does not have Internet, the easiest way to get the template is to have the Rome Center Intern email it to you. Then you can fill in the stickers with new call numbers (as explained in the To Apply Labels section below) and email them back to the intern for free printing. Go down to the office and pick up the labels. Read detailed instructions about how to type labels and apply them to new items in the To Apply Label section. Label accuracy is imperative to ensure proper shelf placement!

When Lorelei completes her half of the manual, I will include a link to the entire document. It is my hope that this resource will answer questions and provide clear guidelines about how materials should be shelved, labeled, and entered items into the library system. If there are less mistakes, the collection will be easier to access, use, and manage. And in the end, it's all about providing our users with the best information possible.

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